Selbyville Middle School
80 Bethany Rd., Selbyville, DE 19975
Middle School
Grades 6 to 8
Indian River School District
Contact Information
Mailing Address: | 80 Bethany Rd., Selbyville, DE 19975 |
Phone Number: | (302)436-1020 |
Website: | |
(2016 - 2017) Number of Students: | 693 |
Number of Teachers: | 46 |
Student Teacher Ratio: | 15.1 |
(2016 - 2017) Sex
Male | 377 |
Female | 316 |
Unspecified | Not Applicable |
Race / Ethnicity
White | 384 |
Hispanic / Latino | 174 |
Black | 94 |
Asian | 13 |
Native American | 8 |
Hawaiian / Pacific Islander | Not Applicable |
Mixed | 20 |
Not Specified | Not Applicable |