Sold Jul 02, 1999
Mortgage Due Oct 01, 2052
834 Congo Street in San Francisco, CA was first built in 1962 and is 63 years old.
This has been categorized as a residential property type.
It is a single story home.
In terms of bathrooms, there is only one bathroom.
There is a 1 partial bathroom.
834 Congo Street has 1,175 sqft of living area. This is typically the area of a building that is heated or air conditioned and does not include the garage, porch or basement square footage.
In total, the area measurement of the land is 2,186 square feet.
Learn more about the property and building on this page. Fun fact, did you know that buildings can move due to weather changes? That's why, the type of control joints used in the construction of your home is extremely important. Based on our data, we know that the home was built with wood control joints. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. According to our sources, 834 Congo Street sold most recently in Jun 29, 1999 for a total of $415,000. If you work out the math, that's approximately a cost of $353.19 per sqft. There could be many factors that caused the property to sell at a higher price and increase in value. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $7,119 in taxes each year. 834 Congo Street was most recently assessed in 2023. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $613,056. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $367,837. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $245,219. The property's total assessed value has been marked as more than the total market value which is pretty atypical. Speaking of costs, many buyers and sellers often forget to take into consideration the closing costs they may occur. Closing costs can stem from anything mortgage or property related to fees related to your property title. As you'll soon learn from our guide, fees can quickly add up hence why as a rule of thumb, we typically recommend setting aside at least 5% of the purchase price to cover potential closing costs. Don't worry, any additional you save up can always go towards your principal. Better safe than sorry!Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
Learn more about the property and building on this page. Fun fact, did you know that buildings can move due to weather changes? That's why, the type of control joints used in the construction of your home is extremely important. Based on our data, we know that the home was built with wood control joints. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. According to our sources, 834 Congo Street sold most recently in Jun 29, 1999 for a total of $415,000. If you work out the math, that's approximately a cost of $353.19 per sqft. There could be many factors that caused the property to sell at a higher price and increase in value. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $7,119 in taxes each year. 834 Congo Street was most recently assessed in 2023. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $613,056. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $367,837. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $245,219. The property's total assessed value has been marked as more than the total market value which is pretty atypical. Speaking of costs, many buyers and sellers often forget to take into consideration the closing costs they may occur. Closing costs can stem from anything mortgage or property related to fees related to your property title. As you'll soon learn from our guide, fees can quickly add up hence why as a rule of thumb, we typically recommend setting aside at least 5% of the purchase price to cover potential closing costs. Don't worry, any additional you save up can always go towards your principal. Better safe than sorry!Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.