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8225 Old Mill Road

8225 Old Mill Road, Glade Spring, VA 24340
Property in Washington
Sold Aug 10, 2021
$500,000 by Sirva Mortgage Inc
8225 Old Mill Road in Glade Spring, VA was first built in 2008 and is 16 years old. This has been categorized as a residential property type. There are a total of 6 rooms in the home, of which, 3 are bedrooms. In terms of bathrooms, there are a total of 2 full bathrooms. There are 3 partial bathrooms. 8225 Old Mill Road has 2,105 sqft of living area. This is typically the area of a building that is heated or air conditioned and does not include the garage, porch or basement square footage. In total, the area measurement of the land is 895,724 square feet.

Learn more about the property and building on this page. The home has a gable style roof made of composition shingle. Water for the property is sourced from a municipal system. The property is not connected to a municipal sewage system. Instead, it is connected to a septic system which you will need to handle on your own. For those who need parking, there is a detached garage. There are a total of 3 available parking spaces. The condition of the building has been evaluated as good. The exterior walls of the home are made of wood. While the interior walls are made of gypsum boards such as those made of drywall, sheetrock, etc. Walk inside and you'll find flooring throughout the home. Walk into the home itself and you'll find that it is currently being cooled with air conditioning. As for heating, the home is utilizing a heat pump and being fueled with electricity. The property was last sold in Aug 10, 2021 for $625,000. That's $296.91 per sqft. 8225 Old Mill Road was last assessed in 2023. The total value of the property was assessed at $380,300. Specifically, the land the property is located on was valued at $118,000. While improvements on the property were assessed at a total of $262,300. The total market value for this property is the same as the total assessed value as of this moment. The total amount of taxes due from a property owner is $1,791. Remember, the purchasing price for your future home is not the costs you'll incur during the purchasing process. That's why it's important to save as much as possible and presumbly above the 20% minimum you may need to put down as down payment. You will want these additional savings to cover closing costs such as attorney fees, homeowner's insurance, title search fees, origination fees, and more. Thankfully, sellers may sometimes offer to cover certain costs as seller concessions to the buyer. Just keep in mind that sellers have their own fees to pay as well. Unfortunately, this property is not currently listed for sale but our inventory of available properties is constantly updating in real time. Check back frequently for updates.

This property description is generated based on publicly available data.

Building Info



  • Year Built: 2008
  • Effective Year Built: 2008
  • Total Rooms: 6
  • Bedroom Count: 3
  • Bathroom Count: 3
  • Full Bathrooms: 2
  • Partial Bathrooms: 3
  • Building Condition: Good
  • Exterior Walls Type: Wood
  • Interior Walls Type: Gypsum board (drywall, sheetrock, etc.)
  • Roof Shape Type: Gable
  • Roof Cover Type: Composition shingle
  • Floor Cover: Wood
  • Basement Type: Full basement
  • Basement Area: 0
  • Garage Type: Detached
  • Parking Space Count: 3


  • Lot Size Square Feet: 895,724
  • Total Building Area: 2,105
  • Gross Building Area: 2,105
  • Building Area: 2,105
  • Building Area Measurement: Living Area

    Heating and Cooling

  • Air Conditioning: Yes
  • Heating: Heat pump
  • Heated Square Feet: 2,105
  • Heating Fuel Type: Electricity


  • Sewer System: Septic
  • Water Service: Municipal


  • Property Class: Residential
  • Subdivision: DIV BRADLEY PROP
  • Land Acres: 20.563
  • Standard Land Use Code: Single family residential
  • County Land Use Code: Miscellaneous (general)
  • Legal Description 1: BOBBY L LYNN SR & BONNIE M LYNN ACR 20.563


  • Current Owner : COLEMAN LAURA
  • Current Owner 2: COLEMAN TIMOTHY
  • Previous Owner : LYNN BOBBY L
  • Previous Owner 2: LYNN BONNIE M


  • School District Name: Washington County Public Schools
  • Census Tract: 010700


  • Assessors Map Reference: 036 10 14
  • Subdivision Tract Number: 14
  • Parcel: 036 10 14
  • Municipality: JEFFERSON
  • Latitude: 36.8341
  • Longitude: -81.7905


  • Full Address: 8225 Old Mill Rd
  • Address - House Number: 8225
  • Address - Street Name: Old Mill
  • Address - Suffix Type: Rd
  • State: VA
  • City Name: Glade Spring
  • Carrier Code: R003
  • 4-Digit Zip Code: 5413
  • Zip Code: 24340



  • Tax Year: 2023
  • Tax Amount: $1,791
  • Tax Rate Code Area: JEFFERSON

    Appraisal Valuation

  • Standard Deviation: 0.2143
  • Valuation Date: Sep 13, 2023
  • Confidence Score: 70
  • Final Value: 684,663
  • High Value: 831,446
  • Low Value: 537,880

    Open Liens

  • Total Open Liens: 1
  • Total Open Liens Amount: $500,000
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Lender: SIRVA MORTGAGE INC
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Recording Date: Aug 10, 2021
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Financing Type: Fixed Rate
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Amount: $500,000
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Term: 360
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Position: 1
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Type: New Conventional

    Market Valuation

  • Market Total Value: $380,300
  • Market Land Value: $118,000
  • Market Improvement Value: $262,300

    Assessments Valuation

  • Assessed Year: 2023
  • Assessed Total Value: $380,300
  • Assessed Land Value: $118,000
  • Assessed Improvements Value: $262,300


  • Current Sale Contract Date: Aug 10, 2021
  • Current Sale Recording Date: Aug 10, 2021
  • Current Sale Transaction ID: 11855321026
  • Current Sale Price: $625,000
  • Current Sale Document Type: Warranty Deed
  • Current Sale Input Document Number: 210004984

    Last Sale Mortgage

  • First Mortgage Lender: SIRVA MORTGAGE INC
  • First Mortgage Transaction Date: Aug 10, 2021
  • First Mortgage Loan Amount: $500,000
  • First Mortgage Terms: 360
  • First Mortgage Loan Type: New Conventional


  • First Mortgage Financing Type: Fixed Rate

About Washington

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Frequently Asked Questions

What neighborhood is 8225 Old Mill Road located in?
The 8225 Old Mill Road is a located in the neighborhood of Washington in Washington, Glade Spring.
What is the average sales price for listings in 8225 Old Mill Road?
The average sales price for units in 8225 Old Mill Road is $0 currently.
