The building on the property was first built in 1839 and is 186 years old.
The building has a total of 3 stories.
The linear feet between the front and back of the lot is 101 ft and across the front of the lot is 51 ft.
Want to learn more? We've sourced additional information from the local assessor's office that we've shared on this page with you. Here at RealtyHop, we've focused a lot of our efforts into gathering up-to-date and accurate data for our users. As a result of that assessment, the total value of the property was placed at $325,680. To break that down further, the land itself was valued at $183,660. Based on our records, the total assessed value for this property has been marked as more than the total market value as of this moment. Which is pretty atypical. Speaking of costs, many buyers and sellers often forget to take into consideration the closing costs they may occur. Closing costs can stem from anything mortgage or property related to fees related to your property title. As you'll soon learn from our guide, fees can quickly add up hence why as a rule of thumb, we typically recommend setting aside at least 5% of the purchase price to cover potential closing costs. Don't worry, any additional you save up can always go towards your principal. Better safe than sorry!This property is not listed for sale at this point in time but RealtyHop is constantly updating our inventory of available sales listings in real time. Don't want to miss out on this property? You can save the listing to your favorites by signing up for a RealtyHop account or you can check back frequently for updates.
Want to learn more? We've sourced additional information from the local assessor's office that we've shared on this page with you. Here at RealtyHop, we've focused a lot of our efforts into gathering up-to-date and accurate data for our users. As a result of that assessment, the total value of the property was placed at $325,680. To break that down further, the land itself was valued at $183,660. Based on our records, the total assessed value for this property has been marked as more than the total market value as of this moment. Which is pretty atypical. Speaking of costs, many buyers and sellers often forget to take into consideration the closing costs they may occur. Closing costs can stem from anything mortgage or property related to fees related to your property title. As you'll soon learn from our guide, fees can quickly add up hence why as a rule of thumb, we typically recommend setting aside at least 5% of the purchase price to cover potential closing costs. Don't worry, any additional you save up can always go towards your principal. Better safe than sorry!This property is not listed for sale at this point in time but RealtyHop is constantly updating our inventory of available sales listings in real time. Don't want to miss out on this property? You can save the listing to your favorites by signing up for a RealtyHop account or you can check back frequently for updates.
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.
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