514 East Memorial Drive has been categorized by the local assessors in Janesville, WI as a residential type of property.
The building on the property was first built in 1930 and is 95 years old.
The home has a total of 12 rooms. 6 of these rooms are legally considered as bedrooms.
Residents will have access to 2 full bathrooms.
There are 2 partial bathrooms in the home.
The building has a total of 2 stories.
In addition, 514 East Memorial Drive has 2,580 sqft of living area. The living area typically only takes into consideration the heated or air conditioned part of the building.
The linear feet between the front and back of the lot is 1,070 ft and across the front of the lot is 660 ft.
The area measurement of the land has been determined as 7,231 square feet.
Fans of architecture and design would be interested in knowing that the building on the property was built in a colonial style.
Want to learn more? We've sourced additional information from the local assessor's office that we've shared on this page with you. For the features and amenities located on the property. There is a detached garage for those who require parking. The garage measured 360 sqft. Moving on to the building itself. The condition of the building has been evaluated as good. In terms of heating, it is utilizing a heating system. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. According to our sources, 514 East Memorial Drive sold most recently in Jan 4, 2023 for a total of $158,200. If you work out the math, that's approximately a cost of $39.95 per sqft. There could be many factors that caused the property to sell at a higher price and increase in value. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $3,820 in taxes each year. 514 East Memorial Drive was most recently assessed in 2023. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $224,100. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $19,500. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $204,600. The property's total assessed value has been marked as more than the total market value which is pretty atypical. Purchasing a home can require a lot of financial power in this day and age but not everyone has the savings to do so. As a result, many will get a mortgage loan to aid them in one of the most finance-intensive purchases of their lives. It's important when shopping for a mortgage to aim the best possible rate you can get. The lower your interest rate, the better as it can mean more money saved in the long run. In the following guide, we'll cover our best tips for how to get the best mortgage rate to your situation. Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
Want to learn more? We've sourced additional information from the local assessor's office that we've shared on this page with you. For the features and amenities located on the property. There is a detached garage for those who require parking. The garage measured 360 sqft. Moving on to the building itself. The condition of the building has been evaluated as good. In terms of heating, it is utilizing a heating system. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. According to our sources, 514 East Memorial Drive sold most recently in Jan 4, 2023 for a total of $158,200. If you work out the math, that's approximately a cost of $39.95 per sqft. There could be many factors that caused the property to sell at a higher price and increase in value. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $3,820 in taxes each year. 514 East Memorial Drive was most recently assessed in 2023. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $224,100. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $19,500. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $204,600. The property's total assessed value has been marked as more than the total market value which is pretty atypical. Purchasing a home can require a lot of financial power in this day and age but not everyone has the savings to do so. As a result, many will get a mortgage loan to aid them in one of the most finance-intensive purchases of their lives. It's important when shopping for a mortgage to aim the best possible rate you can get. The lower your interest rate, the better as it can mean more money saved in the long run. In the following guide, we'll cover our best tips for how to get the best mortgage rate to your situation. Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
Building Features
Vinyl Siding
Garage Parking
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.
1 Past Sales
Date | Unit | Beds | Baths | Sqft | Price | Closed | Owner | Listed By |
| |
6 Bed
6 Bed
Amber Baker