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2968 Jack Pine Lane

2968 Jack Pine Lane, Green Bay, WI 54313
House in Suamico
Sold Oct 04, 2022
$305,910 by Capital Cu
Mortgage Due Oct 01, 2052
Sold Oct 29, 2019
$201,000 by Associated Bank Na
Mortgage Due Nov 01, 2049
This has been categorized as a residential property type. In total, the area measurement of the land is 81,196 square feet.

Learn more about the property and building on this page. The property was last sold in Sep 28, 2022 for $339,900. Prior to that sales transaction, the property was also sold in Oct 25, 2019 for $121,500. 2968 Jack Pine Lane was last assessed in 2022. The total value of the property was assessed at $253,800. Specifically, the land the property is located on was valued at $60,800. While improvements on the property were assessed at a total of $193,000. The total assessed value for this property is less than the total market value as of this moment. Which is great for tax purposes. The total amount of taxes due from a property owner is $4,323. Remember, the purchasing price for your future home is not the costs you'll incur during the purchasing process. That's why it's important to save as much as possible and presumbly above the 20% minimum you may need to put down as down payment. You will want these additional savings to cover closing costs such as attorney fees, homeowner's insurance, title search fees, origination fees, and more. Thankfully, sellers may sometimes offer to cover certain costs as seller concessions to the buyer. Just keep in mind that sellers have their own fees to pay as well. Unfortunately, this property is not currently listed for sale but our inventory of available properties is constantly updating in real time. Check back frequently for updates.

Building Features


Aluminum Siding
Brick Exterior / Wood Exterior
Cedar Siding
Wood Exterior
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.

Building Info



  • Bedroom Count: 0
  • Living Units: 1
  • Basement Area: 0
  • Parking Space Count: 0


  • Lot Size Square Feet: 81,196
  • Total Building Area: 0
  • Building Area: 0

    Heating and Cooling

  • Air Conditioning: unknown
  • Heating: unknown
  • Heating Fuel Type: unknown


  • Sewer System: unknown
  • Water Service: unknown


  • Property Class: Residential
  • Land Acres: 1.864
  • Standard Land Use Code: Single family residential
  • Legal Description 1: 1.864 AC M/L THAT PRT OF THE SW1/4 NE1/4 SEC 29 T25N R20E DESC IN J3367-16 & PRT IN 2321317


  • Current Owner : SCHWARTZ GINA
  • Current Owner 2: SCHWARTZ ANTHONY
  • Previous Owner : THOMAS CHARLES P
  • Previous Owner 2: TATERA GWEN A
  • Owner Before Previous Owner: BARRETTE PAUL B
  • Owner Before Previous Owner 2: ESTATE OF BASIL D BARRETTE


  • School District Name: Howard-Suamico School District
  • School Tax School District: HOWARD-SUAMICO
  • Census Tract: 020204


  • District: 178
  • Parcel: SU-666-4
  • Municipality: VILLAGE OF SUAMICO
  • Latitude: 44.6147
  • Longitude: -88.098


  • Full Address: 2968 Jack Pine Ln
  • Address - House Number: 2968
  • Address - Street Name: Jack Pine
  • Address - Suffix Type: Ln
  • State: WI
  • City Name: Suamico
  • Carrier Code: R034
  • 4-Digit Zip Code: 7944
  • Zip Code: 54313



  • Tax Year: 2022
  • Tax Amount: $4,323

    Appraisal Valuation

  • Standard Deviation: 0.2244
  • Valuation Date: Mar 20, 2024
  • Confidence Score: 69
  • Final Value: 367,644
  • High Value: 450,165
  • Low Value: 285,123

    Open Liens

  • Total Open Liens: 1
  • Total Open Liens Amount: $305,910
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Lender: CAPITAL CU
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Recording Date: Oct 04, 2022
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Financing Type: Adjustable Rate
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Amount: $305,910
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Term: 360
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Position: 1
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Type: Purchase Money Mortgage
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Due Date: Oct 01, 2052

    Market Valuation

  • Market Total Value: $296,400

    Assessments Valuation

  • Assessed Year: 2022
  • Assessed Total Value: $253,800
  • Assessed Land Value: $60,800
  • Assessed Improvements Value: $193,000


  • Current Sale Contract Date: Sep 28, 2022
  • Current Sale Recording Date: Oct 04, 2022
  • Current Sale Transaction ID: 11897432784
  • Current Sale Price: $339,900
  • Current Sale Document Type: Warranty Deed
  • Current Sale Input Document Number: 3019101
  • Previous Sale Recording Date: Oct 29, 2019
  • Previous Sale Contract Date: Oct 25, 2019
  • Previous Sale Amount: $121,500
  • Previous Sale Document Type: Personal Representatives Deed

    Last Sale Mortgage

  • First Mortgage Lender: CAPITAL CU
  • First Mortgage Transaction Date: Oct 04, 2022
  • First Mortgage Loan Amount: $305,910
  • First Mortgage Terms: 360
  • First Mortgage Loan Type: Purchase Money Mortgage
  • First Mortgage Loan Due Date: Oct 01, 2052


  • First Mortgage Financing Type: Adjustable Rate

    Previous Mortgages

  • Previous Mortgage Lender: ASSOCIATED BANK NA
  • Previous Mortgage Transaction Date: Oct 29, 2019
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Amount: $201,000
  • Previous Mortgage Term: 360
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Type: New Conventional
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Due Date: Nov 01, 2049

About Suamico

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Frequently Asked Questions

What neighborhood is 2968 Jack Pine Lane located in?
The 2968 Jack Pine Lane is a house located in the neighborhood of Suamico in Suamico, Green Bay.
What is the average sales price for listings in 2968 Jack Pine Lane?
The average sales price for units in 2968 Jack Pine Lane is $0 currently.
