Sold Oct 11, 2016
Mortgage Due Nov 01, 2046
Sold Jul 30, 2013
Mortgage Due Aug 01, 2043
2565 Allen Adale Road in Fairbanks, AK was first built in 2003 and is 22 years old.
This has been categorized as a residential property type.
It is a single story home.
In terms of bathrooms, there are a total of 2 full bathrooms.
There are 3 partial bathrooms.
2565 Allen Adale Road has 2,682 sqft of living area. This is typically the area of a building that is heated or air conditioned and does not include the garage, porch or basement square footage.
In total, the area measurement of the land is 56,889 square feet.
Learn more about the property and building on this page. There is a unknown and a unknown. For those who need parking, there is a attached garage. The garage is 576 sqft. There are a total of 2 available parking spaces. Here at RealtyHop, we've focused a lot of our efforts into gathering up-to-date and accurate data for our users. Based on our sources, 2565 Allen Adale Road was last sold in Oct 10, 2016 for $370,000. According to our calculations, that's $113.57 per sqft. Prior to that sales transaction, the property was sold for $402,600 in Jul 29, 2013. Current property owners are expected to pay $7,000 in taxes per year. The property on 2565 Allen Adale Road was last assessed in 2023. As a result of that assessment, the total value of the property was placed at $478,262. To break that down further, the land itself was valued at $81,921. While improvements to the property were assessed at a total of $396,341. Based on our records, the total market value for this property has been marked the same as the total assessed value as of this moment. Which is nothing out of the ordinary. Purchasing a home can require a lot of financial power in this day and age but not everyone has the savings to do so. As a result, many will get a mortgage loan to aid them in one of the most finance-intensive purchases of their lives. It's important when shopping for a mortgage to aim the best possible rate you can get. The lower your interest rate, the better as it can mean more money saved in the long run. In the following guide, we'll cover our best tips for how to get the best mortgage rate to your situation. This property is not listed for sale at this point in time but RealtyHop is constantly updating our inventory of available sales listings in real time. Don't want to miss out on this property? You can save the listing to your favorites by signing up for a RealtyHop account or you can check back frequently for updates.
Learn more about the property and building on this page. There is a unknown and a unknown. For those who need parking, there is a attached garage. The garage is 576 sqft. There are a total of 2 available parking spaces. Here at RealtyHop, we've focused a lot of our efforts into gathering up-to-date and accurate data for our users. Based on our sources, 2565 Allen Adale Road was last sold in Oct 10, 2016 for $370,000. According to our calculations, that's $113.57 per sqft. Prior to that sales transaction, the property was sold for $402,600 in Jul 29, 2013. Current property owners are expected to pay $7,000 in taxes per year. The property on 2565 Allen Adale Road was last assessed in 2023. As a result of that assessment, the total value of the property was placed at $478,262. To break that down further, the land itself was valued at $81,921. While improvements to the property were assessed at a total of $396,341. Based on our records, the total market value for this property has been marked the same as the total assessed value as of this moment. Which is nothing out of the ordinary. Purchasing a home can require a lot of financial power in this day and age but not everyone has the savings to do so. As a result, many will get a mortgage loan to aid them in one of the most finance-intensive purchases of their lives. It's important when shopping for a mortgage to aim the best possible rate you can get. The lower your interest rate, the better as it can mean more money saved in the long run. In the following guide, we'll cover our best tips for how to get the best mortgage rate to your situation. This property is not listed for sale at this point in time but RealtyHop is constantly updating our inventory of available sales listings in real time. Don't want to miss out on this property? You can save the listing to your favorites by signing up for a RealtyHop account or you can check back frequently for updates.
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.