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233 Greene Avenue

233 Greene Avenue, Green Bay, WI 54301
House in Allouez
Sold Feb 06, 2023
$270,019 by Primary Residential Mortgage I
Mortgage Due Feb 01, 2053
Sold Jul 23, 2020
$218,400 by Parkside Lending Llc
Mortgage Due Aug 01, 2050
Local assessors in Green Bay, WI have categorized 233 Greene Avenue as a residential type of property. The property's lot size has been calculated to be 8,973 square feet.

Curious to learn more about the home? Our team of data engineers have sourced the most up-to-date information from the local assessors office to share with you. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. According to our sources, 233 Greene Avenue sold most recently in Jan 31, 2023 for a total of $275,000. Before that, the property was also sold for $229,900 in Jul 13, 2020. There could be many factors that caused the property to sell at a higher price and increase in value. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $3,771 in taxes each year. 233 Greene Avenue was most recently assessed in 2022. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $225,200. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $35,600. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $189,600. Homeowners who care about taxes, will be happy to see that the property's total assessed value has been marked as less than the total market value. Are you already in the process of closing on a property and have signed a purchase agreement? You may want to consider locking in your current mortgage rate if interest rates have been rising or seem volatile. This is what's known in the market as a mortgage rate lock (aka rate protection). However, be sure to evaluate your situation carefully before you do so. There may be certain costs associated with taking this action and you'll want to time the start of your perfectly!Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.

Building Features


Aluminum Siding
Brick Exterior / Wood Exterior
Cedar Siding
Wood Exterior
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.

Building Info



  • Bedroom Count: 0
  • Living Units: 1
  • Basement Area: 0
  • Parking Space Count: 0


  • Lot Size Square Feet: 8,973
  • Total Building Area: 0
  • Building Area: 0

    Heating and Cooling

  • Air Conditioning: unknown
  • Heating: unknown
  • Heating Fuel Type: unknown


  • Sewer System: unknown
  • Water Service: unknown


  • Property Class: Residential
  • Subdivision: PLAT OF OAK HILL
  • Land Acres: 0.206
  • Standard Land Use Code: Single family residential
  • Legal Description 1: 8,987 SQ FT PLAT OF OAK HILL LOT 4 & W 8.91 FT OF LOT 3 EX W 8 FT OF LOT 4 BLK 1


  • Current Owner : FRAYRE DAVID
  • Previous Owner : JONES RYAN P
  • Previous Owner 2: FARR ALEXA
  • Owner Before Previous Owner: HANSON KATHERINE
  • Owner Before Previous Owner 2: HANSON DYLAN
  • Is Owner Occupied: Owner-occupied property
  • Ownership Rights Codes: unknown


  • School District Name: Green Bay Area School District
  • School Tax School District: GREEN BAY
  • Census Tract: 020900


  • District: 102
  • Parcel: AL-1582-E-4
  • Block: 1
  • Lot: 4,3
  • Municipality: VILLAGE OF ALLOUEZ
  • Latitude: 44.472
  • Longitude: -88.0263


  • Full Address: 233 Greene Ave
  • Address - House Number: 233
  • Address - Street Name: Greene
  • Address - Suffix Type: Ave
  • State: WI
  • City Name: Green Bay
  • Carrier Code: C028
  • 4-Digit Zip Code: 1852
  • Zip Code: 54301



  • Tax Year: 2022
  • Tax Amount: $3,771

    Appraisal Valuation

  • Standard Deviation: 0.4724
  • Valuation Date: Mar 20, 2024
  • Confidence Score: 5
  • Final Value: 289,335
  • High Value: 426,038
  • Low Value: 152,631

    Open Liens

  • Total Open Liens: 2
  • Total Open Liens Amount: $277,019
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Lender: PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE I
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Recording Date: Feb 06, 2023
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Amount: $270,019
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Term: 360
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Position: 1
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Due Date: Feb 01, 2053
  • Second Open Lien Mortgage Lender: NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES
  • Second Open Lien Mortgage Recording Date: Feb 06, 2023
  • Second Open Lien Mortgage Loan Amount: $7,000
  • Second Open Lien Mortgage Term: 360
  • Second Open Lien Mortgage Position: 2
  • Second Open Lien Mortgage Loan Due Date: Feb 01, 2053

    Market Valuation

  • Market Total Value: $248,700

    Assessments Valuation

  • Assessed Year: 2022
  • Assessed Total Value: $225,200
  • Assessed Land Value: $35,600
  • Assessed Improvements Value: $189,600


  • Current Sale Contract Date: Jan 31, 2023
  • Current Sale Recording Date: Feb 06, 2023
  • Current Sale Transaction ID: 11902314252
  • Current Sale Price: $275,000
  • Current Sale Document Type: Warranty Deed
  • Current Sale Input Document Number: 3028475
  • Previous Sale Recording Date: Jul 23, 2020
  • Previous Sale Contract Date: Jul 13, 2020
  • Previous Sale Amount: $229,900
  • Previous Sale Document Type: Warranty Deed

    Last Sale Mortgage

  • First Mortgage Transaction Date: Feb 06, 2023
  • First Mortgage Loan Amount: $270,019
  • First Mortgage Terms: 360
  • First Mortgage Loan Due Date: Feb 01, 2053
  • Second Mortgage Transaction Date: Feb 06, 2023
  • Second Mortgage Loan Amount: $7,000

    Previous Mortgages

  • Previous Mortgage Lender: PARKSIDE LENDING LLC
  • Previous Mortgage Transaction Date: Jul 23, 2020
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Amount: $218,400
  • Previous Mortgage Term: 360
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Type: New Conventional
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Due Date: Aug 01, 2050

About Allouez

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Frequently Asked Questions

What neighborhood is 233 Greene Avenue located in?
The 233 Greene Avenue is a house located in the neighborhood of Allouez in Allouez, Green Bay.
What is the average sales price for listings in 233 Greene Avenue?
The average sales price for units in 233 Greene Avenue is $0 currently.
