Sold Dec 01, 2006
Local assessors in Warwick, RI have categorized 151 Inez Avenue as a residential type of property.
The home was built in 1955 and is 70 years old.
The property's lot size has been calculated to be 9,583 square feet.
Sharp-eyed aficionados of architecture will notice that the home on the property was built in a ranch/rambler style.
Now, let's dive a bit deeper into the details surrounding the home on the property. There are 6 rooms in the home. Of these, 3 have been legally categorized as bedrooms. For more details, please view your local government regulations on what counts as a legal bedroom.
As for the restroom situation, there is one full bathroom.
There is also a partial bathroom.
This is a single story home so it's perfect for folks who don't want to have to climb stairs on a daily basis.
If we look only at the heated or air conditioned part of the building, then 151 Inez Avenue has a total of 1,338 sqft of living area.
Note that this number does not include the square footage of the garage, basement, and/or porch into its calculations.
Curious to learn more about the home? Our team of data engineers have sourced the most up-to-date information from the local assessors office to share with you. Moving onto specific details regarding the building. Our sources show that the building condition is average. The building has a gable style roof that was made of asphalt. Lots of alum/vinyl siding were used in the construction of the exterior walls of the home. Residents rely on air conditioning for their cooling system. The home's a forced air unit is the primary heating source and it is being fueled with gas. There is a single fireplace in the home which may result in additional cleaning fees for the homeowner. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. According to our sources, 151 Inez Avenue sold most recently in Jan 1, 1970 for a total of $248,000. If you work out the math, that's approximately a cost of $185.35 per sqft. There could be many factors that caused the property to sell at a higher price and increase in value. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $4,338 in taxes each year. 151 Inez Avenue was most recently assessed in 2023. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $305,700. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $96,500. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $209,200. The property's total assessed value has been marked as more than the total market value which is pretty atypical. If you're currently on the market shopping for a loan, then you've most likely encountered the two terms "interest rate" and "annual percentage rate (aka APR)". But do you know the difference between the two? Typically, APRS are higher than interest rates because they include most additional fees and one-time costs. As a result, it's important to look at both and if you notice that your APR is significantly higher, that might mean that too many additional fees are being charged. Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
Curious to learn more about the home? Our team of data engineers have sourced the most up-to-date information from the local assessors office to share with you. Moving onto specific details regarding the building. Our sources show that the building condition is average. The building has a gable style roof that was made of asphalt. Lots of alum/vinyl siding were used in the construction of the exterior walls of the home. Residents rely on air conditioning for their cooling system. The home's a forced air unit is the primary heating source and it is being fueled with gas. There is a single fireplace in the home which may result in additional cleaning fees for the homeowner. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. According to our sources, 151 Inez Avenue sold most recently in Jan 1, 1970 for a total of $248,000. If you work out the math, that's approximately a cost of $185.35 per sqft. There could be many factors that caused the property to sell at a higher price and increase in value. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $4,338 in taxes each year. 151 Inez Avenue was most recently assessed in 2023. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $305,700. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $96,500. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $209,200. The property's total assessed value has been marked as more than the total market value which is pretty atypical. If you're currently on the market shopping for a loan, then you've most likely encountered the two terms "interest rate" and "annual percentage rate (aka APR)". But do you know the difference between the two? Typically, APRS are higher than interest rates because they include most additional fees and one-time costs. As a result, it's important to look at both and if you notice that your APR is significantly higher, that might mean that too many additional fees are being charged. Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.