Local assessors in Altamont, KS have categorized 1004 East 4th Street as a commercial type of property.
The home was built in 1991 and is 34 years old.
The property's lot size has been calculated to be 26,800 square feet.
The linear feet between the front and back of the lot was measured at 1,340 ft and the front of the lot was measured at 2,000 ft.
This is a single story home so it's perfect for folks who don't want to have to climb stairs on a daily basis.
Curious to learn more about the home? Our team of data engineers have sourced the most up-to-date information from the local assessors office to share with you. The home sources its water from a municipal system. For water disposal, homeowners who don't want the additional responsibilities of handling a septic tank will be happy to learn that the home is connected to a municipal sewage system. Though, they may have to pay additional fees to have their wastewater disposed. It might sound scary but did you know that buildings can move depending on the weather? Both hot and cold weather can have severe impact on the longevity of your home structure depending on how much your home moves. Hence why architects pay a lot of attention to the type of control joints used in the construction process. Just so you know, this home was built with frame control joints. Lots of wood siding were used in the construction of the exterior walls of the home. Residents rely on air conditioning for their cooling system. The home's a heating system is the primary heating source. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $0 in taxes each year. 1004 East 4th Street was most recently assessed in 2021. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $8,813. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $1,663. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $7,150. Homeowners who care about taxes, will be happy to see that the property's total assessed value has been marked as less than the total market value. Are you already in the process of closing on a property and have signed a purchase agreement? You may want to consider locking in your current mortgage rate if interest rates have been rising or seem volatile. This is what's known in the market as a mortgage rate lock (aka rate protection). However, be sure to evaluate your situation carefully before you do so. There may be certain costs associated with taking this action and you'll want to time the start of your perfectly!Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
Curious to learn more about the home? Our team of data engineers have sourced the most up-to-date information from the local assessors office to share with you. The home sources its water from a municipal system. For water disposal, homeowners who don't want the additional responsibilities of handling a septic tank will be happy to learn that the home is connected to a municipal sewage system. Though, they may have to pay additional fees to have their wastewater disposed. It might sound scary but did you know that buildings can move depending on the weather? Both hot and cold weather can have severe impact on the longevity of your home structure depending on how much your home moves. Hence why architects pay a lot of attention to the type of control joints used in the construction process. Just so you know, this home was built with frame control joints. Lots of wood siding were used in the construction of the exterior walls of the home. Residents rely on air conditioning for their cooling system. The home's a heating system is the primary heating source. We've gathered and summarized the following transaction history in an effort to provide more transparency and up-to-date information for our users. Tax-wise, the current owner is expected to pay close to $0 in taxes each year. 1004 East 4th Street was most recently assessed in 2021. During this assessment, the property's total value was estimated to be about $8,813. If we break it down further, the land itself was valued at $1,663. Improvements to the property, however, were assessed at a total of $7,150. Homeowners who care about taxes, will be happy to see that the property's total assessed value has been marked as less than the total market value. Are you already in the process of closing on a property and have signed a purchase agreement? You may want to consider locking in your current mortgage rate if interest rates have been rising or seem volatile. This is what's known in the market as a mortgage rate lock (aka rate protection). However, be sure to evaluate your situation carefully before you do so. There may be certain costs associated with taking this action and you'll want to time the start of your perfectly!Sadly, this property is not available for sale but we are constantly updating our inventory in real time. Sign up for a RealtyHop account and add this property to your favorites to get updates on when this property is back on the market. Or alternatively, you can check back frequently for updates.
This property description is generated based on publicly available data.
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